| 5042 Gessner Rd, Houston, TX 77041 | (713) 828-4579 | MON – SAT: 9AM – 6PM

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Gessner Rd, Houston

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Inspector Sponsorship & Training

Inspector Sponsorship & Training

Our Sponsorship Program

If you are an Apprentice Inspector in Texas or planning to become an Apprentice Inspector with designs on achieving the next level of Real Estate inspector, the biggest challenge is fulfilling the following prerequisites:

  • Have at least 3 months of active experience as a licensed apprentice inspector sponsored by a Texas professional inspector during the 12-month period preceding the application date.
  • Complete 25 real estate inspections under direct supervision.
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Professional Development

The Inspector Resource Center

The question for me as a young inspector was how do I find a qualified and competent Professional Inspector that is willing to show me how? And where do these 25 inspections I need come from?

The answer is The Inspector Resource Center

What if I have already achieved Real Estate Inspector status and want pursue the level of Professional Inspector? The gauntlet of requirements are even more daunting. The biggest challenge in fulfilling the Professional Inspector prerequisites are:

  • Have at least 12 months of active experience as a licensed real estate inspector sponsored by a Texas professional inspector during the 24-month period preceding the application date.
  • Complete 175 real estate inspections under direct supervision.

The answer is the same. The Inspector Resource Center

A man holding papers in his hand while wearing safety gear.

Commitment to Quality

At IRC, we are committed to providing high-quality sponsorship and training programs to real estate service inspectors. We understand the importance of your role in the industry and the impact you have on the safety and security of properties for buyers and sellers. That’s why we strive to provide the best possible support and resources to help you excel in your work.

Our team is made up of experienced professionals who are passionate about the real estate industry and dedicated to helping you succeed. We are committed to staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices, so you can be confident that you are receiving the most relevant and valuable training and support available.

We are also committed to building long-term relationships with our sponsored inspectors. We believe that by working together and providing ongoing support and resources, we can help you achieve your goals and grow your business for years to come.

If you are a real estate service inspector looking for support and resources to help you succeed in your work, we invite you to contact us to learn more about our sponsorship and training programs. We would be happy to discuss your goals and how we can help you achieve them.

How To Apply To This Program?

Our Report Writing comments library assists real estate inspectors in writing clear and concise reports. Our Call Management function manages all of your call inbound calls and services your client. Our inspector ride-a-long program offers the opportunity to have one of our experienced inspectors shadow you as you conduct an actual inspection. Our Inspector Shadow Program offers a unique opportunity for young inspectors to gain first-hand experience and knowledge through job shadowing. Our Inspector Sponsorship Program offers on-the-job training and satisfies TREC inspector requirements. Our Report Writing Assistance Program is designed to support real estate inspectors in producing high-quality, comprehensive reports.

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